The European Union Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR) brings opportunities for Indonesia to fight deforestation. However, the implementation of EUDR in Indonesia still faces many challenges. This position paper provides suggestions for improving the EUDR Benchmarking methodology to make it more effective in protecting Indonesia’s forests.

Civil society report examines Indonesia’s palm oil sector and provides suggestions for development of benchmarking methodology. Although national laws support controlling deforestation, their implementation is often ignored in favor of the 2020 Omnibus Job Creation Law which favors commercial activities, harming the rights of indigenous peoples, environmental protection and anti-corruption efforts.

Palm oil deforestation, which had decreased, is now increasing again, especially after the EUDR deadline, with exports and domestic consumption driving the expansion of palm oil plantations. Violent and legal conflicts often occur between indigenous communities and plantation owners. A total of 2.6 million hectares of natural forest already have permits for oil palm areas and are waiting to be cleared. ISPO national certification does not provide adequate protection against deforestation, and lack of traceability is a problem. The Legality and Sustainability Verification System (SVLK) can provide positive insights, but a lack of transparency and data hinders assessment of the deforestation situation. Independent farmers are vulnerable to eviction due to the difficulty of obtaining a Cultivation Registration Certificate (STDB).

The conditions of each province are different, so subnational data must be considered in due diligence, and transparent data collection is more effective at the local government level.

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