Bloody Clashes with Farmers

JAMBI – Two bloody clashes occurred between farmers and PT Lestari Asri Jaya (LAJ). The first clash took place in January 2012. In the clash one person was killed and a number of buildings and heavy equipment of the company were burned down by the mob. The second clash took place on Saturday (6/4). In the clash, at least 4 people suffered severe injuries from being stabbed.

The CAPPA Foundation regrets that in a situation of conflict that continues to heat up and deteriorating company practices LAJ actually processes the Timber Legality Verification Certificate (VLK) according to what is stipulated in the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK).

From the results of the assessment process of the Management Unit’s compliance with the VLK standards carried out by PT. Equaity Indonesia, the company gets a fulfilling predicate, in other words it is declared passed and has the right to get a certificate which indirectly states that the product produced by PT LAJ comes from legal sources and puts forward the sustainability aspect.

“We regret very much, and strongly object to the results of the certification carried out by PT. Equality Indonesia, various facts have shown that the Management Unit has not been able to manage management especially with regard to social aspects well, the company does not have a mechanism for resolving conflicts, the management has not been able to manage concessions by implementing sustainability principles that respect community rights, “Explained Umi Syamsiatun, Program Coordinator for Forest Finance, Timber Plantation, CAPPA Governance and Sustainability Foundation to, Tuesday (9/4).

“We will immediately write an objection letter to PT. Equality Indonesia as the party that must be responsible for the Timber Legality certificate carried by PT. LAJ. PT. Equality Indonesia must immediately conduct a sudden audit of the performance of the Management Unit to ensure that alleged violations of SVLK standards carried out by the company, especially related to social aspects, “Umi added.

As an Independent Monitor in SVLK implementation in Jambi, the CAPPA Foundation recommended to PT. Equality Indonesia to freeze the Timber Legality Certificate obtained by PT LAJ. “As long as LAJ has not been able to resolve the existing conflicts, the Timber Legality Certificate must be frozen. As long as the conflict still occurs, we can be sure that the sources of raw materials produced by PT LAJ come from sources that are not legal, namely sources. the source is full of bloodshed, human rights violations, the results of evictions and the fruits of the criminalization and intimidation process carried out by the company with the help of the local police, “explained Umi.
