The results of monitoring of JPIK in August 2015, found that there were industries in East Java and South Sulawesi that received and processed wood from suppliers who did not yet have S-LK. One of those identified was PT Panca Usaha Palopo Plywood (PT PUPP) located in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi.
PT PUPP has an IUIPHHK and IUI business scope that has obtained S-LK from PT Mutuagung Lestari (MAL) with a validity period of October 20, 2014 – October 19, 2017. The results of JPIK’s monitoring show that there was evidence of a Legitimate Timber Certificate (SKSKB) in May 2015 where PT PUPP received logs from the IUPHHKHA of PT Mohtra Agung Persada, which at that time did not have S-LK.
JPIK followed up on the findings by sending a letter of complaint to PT MAL as the Timber Legality Verification Agency that conducted an assessment / audit of PT PUPP. The letter of complaint contains a request from JPIK to PT MAL to handle a violation case by conducting a special audit. JPIK regretted the handling of complaints made by PT MAL because the handling was not in accordance with the procedure and only limited to giving a warning letter to PT PUPP without a special audit and a more in-depth search of indications of violations.
Read complete text inĀ SVLK: Proses Tata Kelola Bertanggung Gugat