This joint statement was prepared by a coalition of civil society movements in Indonesia consisting of various groups, including CSOs, independent oil palm farmer unions, oil palm plantation workers, indigenous community organizations, local communities, women and youth. They welcomed the joint initiative between Indonesia, Malaysia and the European Union to form a Joint Task Force (JTF) to face the European Union Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR).

The formation of the JTF will have a positive impact in increasing dialogue regarding traceability and transparency of agricultural commodity supply chains that are at risk of causing deforestation and forest degradation. Unfortunately,  the first consultation process by the JTF on August 4th 2023, was carried out behind closed doors and was not inclusive, violating the basic principles of democracy. We highlight the lack of sufficient public information that can be accessed by vulnerable stakeholders who will be affected, such as smallholders, plantation workers, indigenous peoples and local communities.

We consider that formulating an agreement that has a broad impact without involving all stakeholders, especially those affected, is a violation of democratic principles and human rights. Therefore, JPIK together with coalition members submitted a series of proposals to ensure transparency, participation, inclusiveness and accountability in all stages of the JTF, so that it does not only represent certain interests.

Name of coalition member organization signing the letter:

  1. Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN)
  2. Barisan Pemuda Adat Nusantara (BPAN)
  3. Coaction Indonesia (Koaksi Indonesia)
  4. Deling Kuning
  5. FIAN Indonesia
  6. Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI)
  7. Global Geografi Indonesia (GRID)
  8. Green of Borneo
  9. Independent Forest Monitoring Fund (IFM Fund)
  10. Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ)
  11. Jaringan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan (JPIK)
  12. Jurnal Celebes
  13. Komunitas Masyarakat Desa – Sulawesi Tenggara (KOMNASDESA – SULTRA)
  14. Komunitas Teras
  15. Lembaga Papuana Konservasi – Manokwari, Papua Barat
  16. Lembaga Studi & Advokasi Masyarakat (ELSAM)
  17. Link-AR Borneo
  18. PADI Indonesia
  19. Pantau Gambut
  20. Pengurus Daerah (PD) AMAN Sorong Raya
  21. Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Keadilan dan Perdamaian (PBHKP) Sorong, Papua Barat
  22. Persekutuan Perempuan Adat Nusantara (Perempuan AMAN)
  23. Perkumpulan Alam Hijau (A-HI)
  24. Perkumpulan Belantara
  25. Perkumpulan Kaoem Telapak
  26. Perkumpulan HuMa
  27. POKJA Pesisir
  28. Pusat Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH) Mangkubumi
  29. Relawan Untuk Orang & Alam (ROA)
  30. Sawit Watch
  31. Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS)
  32. The Institute for Ecosoc Rights
  33. Trend Asia
  34. Uno Itam
  35. Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI)
  36. WALHI Papua
  37. Yayasan Auriga Nusantara
  38. Yayasan Etnika Kosmologi Katulistiwa
  39. Yayasan FORTASBI (Forum Petani Sawit Berkelanjutan Indonesia)
  40. Yayasan Kaharingan Institute
  41. Yayasan Peduli Nanggroe Atjeh (PeNA)
  42. Yayasan Pusaka Bentala Rakyat
  43. Yayasan Sangga Bumi Lestari (Aidenvironment Asia)
  44. Yayasan SETARA, Jamba
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