Monitoring done by JPIK North Kalimantan in August 2016.
The monitoring results indicate a discrepancy:
- Verifier1.4. In the first observation, there was a change in the function of the production forest area to APL covering an area of ± 11,470.87 Ha and from the company had not made a long-term planning change (revised RKUPHHK-HT) because the work area boundary arrangement had not yet been found. But on the results of the second surveillance, the verifier is not applicable.
- Verifier 3.3.6. In the assessment, the Appraisal Institution saw the Maritam River as a material for conformity assessment with SVLK criteria and indicators, even though the river was not in the PT Intraca Hutani Lestari concession area. maritam river is part of a series of short rivers and empties into the Sekatak river in Bulungan Regency, the name Maritam is only used in the concession area south of the area and is used by the UM in the Work Plot code in the working area. However, the Betayau River which is located in the eastern concession area and through 6 Villages and is a source of living water for the village is used as an assessment material. The river was affected by activities carried out in the PT Intraca Hutani Lestari concession, and caused river water to become brown and cause skin disorders (itching) when used.