In January 2017, the government and DPR RI agreed that the Palm Oil draft Bill would be one of the priority bills to be completed in 2017. The main reason presented by the drivers of this bill was to protect the palm oil industry from foreign intervention. In addition, three other reasons presented by the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission IV who initiated the Palm Oil Bill are as follows:

  1. In the socio-economic field, to ensure the welfare of farmers.
  2. Increase the professionalism of all sectors in oil palm from upstream to downstream.
  3. In the field of law, to be a way out of chaotic licensing, so as to provide a special way out for illegal plantations (plantations located in forest areas or operating without HGU).

This policy paper describes the results of the analysis of the articles on the Palm Oil draft Bill as stated in the Palm Oil draft Bill that was downloaded from the DPR website. The results of the analysis show that this bill does not provide a way out for the three problems above, but rather has the potential to create new problems, including exacerbating overlapping and chaotic law.

This policy paper contains seven reasons why the House of Representatives and the government must immediately stop the discussion on the Palm Oil draft Bill.

Policy paper can be downloaded through the following link: Kertas Kebijakan RUU Perkelapasawitan