The Timber Legality Verification System or SVLK is one of the preventive tools developed by the Government of Indonesia to support the eradication of illegal logging, as well as to increase the legal and sustainable trade in forestry products. The system, which was built by involving various stakeholders in Indonesia, has been implemented for more than a decade. Within the framework of the FLEGT VPA Agreement with the European Union, SVLK is also accepted as an instrument for verifying the legality of timber exported to the European Union, and the SVLK certificate is equivalent to a FLEGT License.

In order to ensure the credibility of the SVLK, the existence and work of Independent Monitors in monitoring the SVLK system and implementation is very important. As has been shown in the book written by PPLH Mangkubumi and JPIK, entitled “People Monitor”. This book tells about the results of monitoring from upstream to downstream in five provinces, namely Central Kalimantan, North Maluku, West Papua, East Java, and Central Java, to be exact on 32 forestry companies. The point of the results of this monitoring is the discovery of violations committed by the management unit.

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