The Loss of Our Forests and Peatlands
The latest report on the Network of Independent Forestry Monitors (JPIK) - the Loss of Our Forests and Peatlands - reveals systematic and extensive encroachment, as well as illegal logging within the Sebangau National Park (Sebangau National Park) reaching up to the rehabilitation zone and jungle zone. Sebangau National Park in Central Kalimantan Province plays an important role in the protection of peatlands. Of the 2.7 million hectares of the province's peatlands, 462,718, 25 hectares (17.4 percent) are in national parks, which cover 81 percent of the total national park area. However, instead of being protected and conserved [...]
Law Supervision and Enforcement Must Be Increased, So that SVLK Credibility and Accountability is Maintained
Jakarta, February 28, 2018. The Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) encourages the government to continue to improve regulations and implement the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK). Today JPIK issued a second report ‘SVLK: Process Towards Responsible Governance’ which contains a study of the implementation of SVLK in the period 2014-2017, within the scope of regulations, independent monitoring, support and performance of stakeholders on the implementation of the SVLK. In the period of 2014 to 2017, JPIK still found several weaknesses in the implementation of the SVLK, especially in the aspects of supervision and law enforcement. In addition, independent monitoring [...]
PPLH Mangkubumi-JPIK East Java Launched a 7-Year Report to Monitor the Log Processing Industry
East Java Province has an important role in the downstream distribution of timber in Indonesia with the aim of exporting to the whole world. East Java Province is also the region with the largest number of wood industry distributions. Therefore it is necessary to have a monitoring carried out by JPIK East Java on the implementation of the SVLK. Based on the East Java Mangkubumi-JPIK PPLH report which was launched on February 28, 2018 entitled "7 Years of Monitoring of Wood Processing Industry" it was stated that during 2011-2017 cases of violation of the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) were [...]
JPIK Answers For PT IMS’s response to the Report “Licensing for Criminal Acts”
In connection with the submission of responses and clarifications from PT Inti Multima Certification (IMS) by letter No. 017 / IMS-Adm / VI / 2017atas JPIK and EIA reports about STILL LICENSING FOR CRIMINAL ACTS: How the Illegal Illegal Oil Palm Company Damages the Reformation of the Wood Industry in Indonesia which was published on June 7, 2017, through this letter, we first thank you and herewith we also convey the response / feedback (as attached) for the submission of responses and clarification that PT IMS delivered. The report published by JPIK and EIA on June 7, 2017 is a [...]
Illegal Oil Palm and Impunity Still Undermining Indonesia’s Flagship Timber Reforms
Bogor, 7 June 2017. Timber logged illegally in and around a rogue oil palm plantation is being certified legal under Indonesia’s flagship timber certification system, despite repeated NGO reports to police, forestry enforcement officials, and certification professionals, a new report reveals. The report – Still Permitting Crime – published today by Indonesia’s Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) and the UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), exposes continued and renewed illegal logging in and around the palm plantation of PT Prasetya Mitra Muda (PT PMM), in Gunung Mas district, Central Kalimantan province. […]
Making Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) work for forests, people and the climate: Civil society recommendations on the future of VPAs
As decision makers in the European Union (EU) and timber producing countries consider the future of the FLEGT Action Plan, and its Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA), civil society organisations and platforms from Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Honduras, Indonesia, Republic of the Congo, Vietnam, and Europe have issued Making VPAs work for forests, people and the climate a new briefing with recommendations for how to strengthen and upgrade the VPAs. […]