Independent Monitor Statement

Response to the Revised Plan of the Trade Minister concerning Provisions on the Export of Forestry Industry Products in conjunction with the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK)
Jakarta, October 5, 2015

The elimination of the deadline for the use of the Export Declaration document (DE) is clearly a step back in realizing full SVLK implementation, and this is also an inconsistency of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) in supporting the full implementation of SVLK starting January 1, 2016.

  • The existence of DE, especially without the time limit for its enactment, will actually result in the integration of records and timber trading systems. This is contrary to the spirit of SVLK which intends to integrate timber trading from production to export. Thus, DE will potentially increase leakage of state revenues, in addition to adding to the threat to Indonesia’s forests.
  • The elimination of the deadline for the use of the Export Declaration document indicates the weakening of efforts to improve the forest governance system through the SVLK.
  • DE is intended as a form of relief for IKM while preparing itself to fulfill SVLK. So that DE is designed to be time-limited. This abolition will have the opportunity for the reappearance of the supply of raw materials with doubtful legality. If this happens then efforts to improve the timber image of Indonesia’s exports have collapsed so far.
  • The Ministry of Trade seems to be blocking the SVLK solely as an export instrument. Basically, SVLK is an instrument prepared to improve forest governance. So if you want to improve this governance, what is needed is commitment and compliance with this system.
  • The Ministry of Trade assesses that the SVLK places a burden on the timber industry, especially small and medium enterprises, with high costs and a difficult process. In fact, the government, through several policies, has assisted SMIs through simplifying standards and procedures, as well as providing financial assistance. Supposedly, the Ministry of Trade as part of the government to help the efforts that have been made towards the IKM, does not actually weaken this effort.
  • SVLK is reinforcing various efforts that have been carried out by the government and civil society to design good forest governance. The implementation of SVLK will be able to help trace and certainty of the wood supply chain from upstream to downstream. Effective implementation of the SVLK can erode the use of illegal timber originating from illegal logging.

As a civil society, we are an independent monitoring agency calling for:

  1. Ministry of Trade (Ministry of Trade) to participate in eliminating trade that is anti-forest preservation.
  2. The Ministry of Trade must also participate in strengthening the implementation of the SVLK to achieve its objectives appropriately by reforming the licensing system and strengthening the system of incentives and disincentives for small and medium enterprises.
  3. Based on the points that we have conveyed, we conclude that parties and initiatives that conflict with the spirit of SVLK have a negative impact on improving overall forest and land governance.
  4. We therefore view that the provisions of the Export Declaration must be limited within the specified time limit. So that, there is a need for provisions regarding the deadline for applying the Export Declaration until the end of December 2015.
  5. To ensure the implementation of the SVLK can be implemented comprehensively and cross-sector collaboration must be at least established at the level of government regulation

Coalition of Independent Forestry Monitors: Association of Sumatra Independent Forestry Monitors (APIKS), AURIGA, Eyes on the Forest, Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL), Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK), Partnership, PPLH Mangkubumi, LSPP Temanggung, Indonesian Cakrawala Hijau Foundation

For further information please contact:
Zainuri Hasyim (JPIK)
Email: zhasyim at
Mobile: +62 811754409

Asosiasi Pemantau Independen Kehutanan Sumatera (APIKS), AURIGA, Eyes on the Forest, Indonesian Centre for Environmental Law (ICEL), Jaringan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan (JPIK), Kemitraan, PPLH Mangkubumi, LSPP Temanggung, Yayasan Cakrawala Hijau Indonesia

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan hubungi:
Zainuri Hasyim (JPIK)
Email: zhasyim at
HP: +62 811754409

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