The Monitor2024-03-13T13:15:03+07:00
2011, 2019

JPIK Newsletter 14th Edition “The Monitor”

  Monitoring activities need qualified human resources with integrity, so that monitoring of the Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK) can be well-implemented. Training on monitoring for local/ indigenous communities has been conducted by Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) from August to September 2019, joined by local and indigenous communities in 8 provinces in Indonesia. Those provinces were selected based on its high potentials of illegal logging activities and distribution of total timber processing industries with export and domestic scales. Furthermore, monitoring at the upstream industry, especially in East Java Province conducted by PPLH Mangkubumi/ JPIK East Java. It found a [...]

2607, 2019

JPIK Newsletter 13th Edition “The Monitor”

  The Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) has been mandatorily implemented since 2009 in Indonesia. It aims to improve forestry governance and trade. With this new policy, illegal logging and illegal timber trade are expected to stop. In December 2018 to February 2019, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) have seized more than 400 containers of processed timber in Surabaya and Makassar. The Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) continues to monitor those cases and hope that it can serve as lessons for the Government of Indonesia (GoI) and related stakeholders to prevent similar cases happen in the future. We [...]

3004, 2019

JPIK Newsletter 12th Edition “The Monitor”

    On this “The Monitor” 12th edition newsletter, we share various information on progress and improvement of forest management in Indonesia. In last December 2018, the Independent Forest Monitoring Network (IMFN) as one of Indonesia representatives was invited to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) meeting in Bangkok. It was a commemoration of International Anti-Corruption Day. IMFN participates to fight forest crimes and corruption through independent monitoring. Since last year, the Law Enforcement (Gakkum) of Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) improves their intensity to combat illegal timber trading. In December 2018, for example, Gakkum MoEF confiscated total [...]

2012, 2018

JPIK Newsletter 11th Edition “The Monitor”

  Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) publishes the 11th edition of the newsletter "The Monitor".In this 11th "The Monitor" newsletter, JPIK summarizes information on progress and views from various parties actively involved in developing improved forest governance in Indonesia. This newsletter contains: National Consolidation of Independent Monitors in Strengthening Forest Governance through Effective Monitoring Sharing experiences with stakeholders in Asia and Africa ADMINISTRATION VS SUBSTANCE The role of governance in implementing forest legality and sustainability Sonokeling: Illegal Loging Commodity in Lampung Province Tenurial Conflict in PHPL Certified Company: A Reflection from Tapak (Jambi) Indigenous Peoples and Their Living Spaces: Affirming [...]

2509, 2018

Contribute Your Writing in the JPIK Newsletter Edition 11 “The Monitor”

Writing Terms and Conditions: Theme of writing about "Forest" Posts are sent in the format: A4 paper, a maximum of 3 pages Sent to email with the subject: The Monitor_ Title The author's biodata is written on the body of the email: Full name Email / cellphone number Address Community / Organization / Agency Instagram / Facebook / Twitter Posts sent no later than October 22, 2018 Announcement of the posts posted will be sent via email Lucky writers will get a special prize for edition 11

308, 2018

JPIK Newsletter 10th Edition “The Monitor”

  JPIK Newsletter Issue 10 "The Monitor" has been published. The 10th edition of the newsletter is the fourth "The Monitor" published by JPIK. In this edition, JPIK summarizes various activities of JPIK as independent monitors, as well as the development of sustainable forest management in Indonesia. The Monitor this time contains: Report on the Misuse of Documents by the Auditee, PT Mutu Hijau RespondsHewun and the ISPO Redesign Process Reach Anti ClimaxPrimadona in Forbidden Land, Challenges of Oil Palm Self-Help Farmers in Forest AreasOverview of Social Forestry in East JavaDissecting Asymmetrical Films Download the fourth Monitor on the following [...]

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