Bogor, 8 May 2015. The Central Information Commission (Komisi Informasi Pusat/KIP) has granted FWI’s request for information. The decision was recited by the chairman of commissionary board in information dispute trial between FWI and Ministry of Environment and Forestry. After the receipt of the injunction (amar putusan), the Ministry shall comply with the decision and immediately submit the requested data.

The commissionary board’s decision shows that Information Comission is committed to implement Law No.14 of 2008. Although several internal aspects still need to be improved, this decision is worth appreciation as this time KIP has managed to thoroughly distinguish between open information from the exempted one. The information requested by FWI to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry constitutes basic information that will enable people to distinguish between legal and illegal activities in forest use monitoring. 

The process that FWI and JPIK have just undergone proved that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is still not completely open in term of public information access: a position that leads to poor forest management. “For almost a year we struggled to obtain information from the Ministry, which is quite ironic, as those information are actually categorized as public document that should have been disclosed without having to go through information dispute trial,” said Linda Rosalina, FWI Campaigner.

“The Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s refusal to disclose the data and information requested is truly contradictory with its own statement, which admits that community is an important element which can submit information on various kinds of violation relating to environment and forestry. Complaint service system and mechanism developed by the Ministry will also be in vain if even the basic information is not disclosed,” she further added.

Similar point was expressed by Zainuri Hasyim, JPIK Dynamisator. “Basic data such as RKUPHHK, RKTUPHHK, RPPBI, and IPK are crucial for independent observers to observe SVLK. Independent observers whose duty is to sustain SVLK’s credibility will hardly work effectively when there is no supporting data on violations taking place on the field”. He further explained that “The decision is just right. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry shall immediately submit the requested data”.


Editor Note :

  • Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) is a network of independent forest observers consisting of individuals sharing comitment to establish an open forestry data and information management process in Indonesia which can guarantee a just and sustainable forest resources management. FWI was appointed as National Secretariat of JPIK at the declaration of JPIK establishment meeting in 2010.
  • JPIK (Jaringan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan) is a Network of Forestry Independent Observers which has been agreed on and declared on 23 September 2010 by 29 NGOs and NGO Network from Aceh to Papua. JPIK’s establishment reflects the commitment to actively contribute and push for a good forestry governance by ensuring the credibility and accountability of SVLK implementation.
  • SVLK (Standar Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu/Timber Legality Verification Standard) is a requirement to meet timber/product legality made based on agreement between different forestry stakeholders which comprises standards, criteria, indicators, verifier, verification method, and assessment norms.
  • RKUPHHK (Rencana Kerja Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu/Business Work Plan for Forest Timber Use) is a work plan for the whole work area of Izin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu (IUPHHK/Business Permit for Forest Timber Use) for 10 (ten) years, which includes, among others, forest sustainability, business sustainability, and balance between environment and local community social economic development. (Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.56/Menhut-II/2009 jo.P. 24/Menhut-II/2011; Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.62/Menhut-II/2009 jo. P. 24/Menhut-II/2011; Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.62/Menhut-II/2008 jo. P.14/Menhut-II/2009).
  • RKTUPHHK (Rencana Kerja Tahunan Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu/Annual Work Plan for Forest Timber Use) is a 1 (one) year work plan made according to RKUPHHK. (Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P. 56/Menhut-II/2009 jo. P. 24/Menhut-II/2011; Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P. 62/Menhut-II/2008 jo. P.14/Menhut-II/2009).
  • RPBBI (Rencana Pemenuhan Bahan Baku Industri Primer Hasil Hutan Kayu/Plan for Primary Industrial Material Fulfillment from Forest Timber) is a plan describing about the raw material need and that the raw material supply comes from legitimate source; and the use of raw material and production is in accordance with the permit capacity for forest timber primary industry; and that the raw material supply is guaranteed for 1 (one) year, which is a raw material control system (Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.0/Menhut-II/2012).
  • IPK (Izin Pemanfaatan Kayu/Timber Use Permit) is a permit to cut down timber and/or pick up non-timber forest produce as consequence of non-forestry permit activity, including from production forest area that can be converted and has been released, production forest area by exchanging forest area, use of forest area with borrow and use permit, and from Area for Other Use which permit has been given. (Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.62/Menhut-II/2014).

Contact for Interview:

Linda Rosalina, FWI Campaigner
Email:; Phone: +62-8889044794

Zainuri Hasyim, JPIK National Dynamisator
Email:;  Phone: +62-8159086006

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