
Friday, October 11, 2013 a workshop was reviewed on the Review of the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) which presented the input of the Forestry Independent Monitoring Network (JPIK) for the Perdirjen 08 revision, especially on monitoring and complaints guidelines and also the results of JPIK analysis related to Minister of Forestry Regulation II / 2009 concerning Standards and Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management and VLK Performance Assessment for permit holders or in Private Forests, as revised by Ministerial Regulation number P.68 / Menhut-II / 2011, Ministerial Regulation number P.45 / Menhut-II / 2012 and P.42 / Menhut-II / 2013 held at the Royal Bogor Hotel. This workshop is an effort to deliver our criticism based on the analysis / experience with the existing SVLK process. That what we are reviewing is debatable and this is the initial discussion.

The workshop was opened by Mr. Dwi Sudharto, Director of Development of Forest Products Processing and Marketing. Representatives from KAN, WWF, MFP, Sucofindo, Ayamaru, and several other related institutions also attended the workshop. Pak Dwi Sudharto appreciated the workshop held by JPIK today as a form of active participation by independent monitors in an effort to guard, monitor and improve the system in the SVLK. The hope is that the socialization of the signing of the VPA-EU on 30 September 2013 can have a positive impact on the governance of forestry in Indonesia and expected support from all parties. Mr. Dwi also said that on October 26-30, 2013, the Indonesian government would hold an event market dialogue in 3 countries, namely Japan, China and South Korea. The target of these 3 countries is to ensure that they can take legal timber from Indonesia. The 2012 revised P.08 draft to include the Ministry of Forestry clause can freeze SVLK certificates within the KAN period and can consider their revocation. The 3 important points from the SVLK asignment that have been carried out are about the legitimate and legal segregation of products, timber grown and harvested at the HGU and IPK. Input for JPIK from Pak Dwi is to include input related to individual monitors, use of username on legal V, and giving sanctions to LPVI.

Arman JPIK South Sulawesi delivered material related to SVLK monitoring policy analysis in Indonesia. The purpose of the SVLK implementation is to minimize the occurrence of illegal logging practices and the creation of good governance in the forestry sector. The implementation of the SVLK is based on Forestry Minister’s Regulation Number P.38 / Menhut-II / 2009 concerning Standards and Guidelines for Performance Assessment of Sustainable Forest Management and Verification of Timber Legality for License Holders or in Private Forests, as revised with Ministerial Regulation Number P.68 / Menhut-II / 2011, Ministerial Regulation Number P.45 / Menhut-II / 2012 and P.42 / Menhut-II / 2013. In this workshop, there was also a JPIK experience in implementing the SVLK. One of the obstacles faced by monitors is the difficulty of accessing company data and information to be monitored.