December 23, 2021 – The fourth FGD series “Constructing Synergy Between Forest Services (Local Government) and Independent Forest Monitoring in Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) Implementation”, took place in the Ayani Hotel Hall, Banda Aceh. Approximately 15 participants attended directly from various elements such as Regional Forest Agency, Production Forest Management Agency (BPHP), Forest Management Unit (KPH), and some Independent Monitoring focal points in Aceh. The meeting was also held virtually, and attended by Mrs. Vivi represents The Directorate General of Regional Development Sub Directorate Forestry, Ministry of Home Affairs who became the event director of FGD, Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI), and, Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK). For the record, the FGD meeting in Aceh is a follow-up meeting, having previously been conducted online on October 25, 2021.

The event was opened by the Head of Land Rehabilitation, Business Development, and Social Forestry Mr. Ir. Ridhwan, MM. represents the Regional Environment and Forestry Agency (DLHK) of Aceh Province. In his speech, he gave a positive response to FGD which was organized by FWI and JPIK. He also highlighted the potential of production forests in Aceh and its processing industry that needs the support of development and supervision from multiple parties.

Related to the current condition of TLAS/SVLK implementation in Aceh, DLHK said that there are two Logging concessions (HPH) that are currently inactive due to the moratorium. Meanwhile, there are seven permits for industrial timber plantations (HTI), and two of them already have a Certificate of Sustainable Forest Management (S-PHL). DLHK also conducts administrative supervision activities such as inscribed the company to compose an annual work plan (RKT) and Business Work Plan (RKU) for those that have expired. On the other hand, the Primary Industrial Business License of Timber Forest Products (IUIPHHK) in Aceh has about 126 units, and two of them are utilization permits in Conversion Production Forests (HPK), but all licensing units have not been certified.

The local government in this case DLHK, BPHP, and KPH stated that they would help to access data and/or information related to the implementation of TLAS/SVLK. The presence of independent monitoring in Aceh is also reacted favorably by the local government to help carry out the supervisory function of compliance of management / licensing units. The participants involved in FGD also recognized the need for coordination between agencies and independent monitors to obtain comprehensive data and information in the framework of TLAS implementation in the region.

Affirmation of the role and authority of the Regional Government in the fulfillment of standards and the implementation of TLAS is currently also an important point amid the dynamics of regulation, considering that during the implementation of TLAS, direct involvement of local governments only on industrial permits with capacities below 6000M3. As for industries with a capacity above 6000M3, local governments simply carry out administrative functions even though they have more comprehensive data or information related to the industry or licensing that is applying for certification or already certified. So that positive input in TLAS implementation in the area can not be given optimally.