TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Executive Director of the Association of Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft Industry (Asmindo) Sumardjani Liman asked the government to review the implementation of the wood legal verification system (SVLK) for export-oriented wood and wood products. So far, the system applies only to the local industry.

“Many small and medium industries, even large furniture businesses do not have SVLK,” support for forest sustainability and competitiveness of the Double Tree Hotels, Jakarta, Monday, October 12.

Liman explained that not all furniture imports of countries require a certificate of timber legality. “The importance of SVLK is questioned by producers,” he said.

The limitation added by importing countries also imposes the SVLK requirements, then consequently businesses will comply.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law, Henry Subagyo said the government, in this case the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, should replace the legal basis for SVLK from ministerial decree into law.

All stakeholders without conflicting with other ministerial regulations.

Timber Legality Certificate (SLK) is a certificate given to the license holder or private forest owner that the license holder or private forest owner has followed the legal compliance in obtaining timber forest products (Regulation No. P.38 / Menhut-II / 2009 , article 1, paragraph 12).

SLK can be acquired by license holders or private forest owners, if they met the SVLK requirements assessed through a verification process.

source: en.tempo.co