The implementation of the Timber Legality Verification System in Indonesia has gone through a long journey and is expected to be fully implemented without exception. SVLK is a system built by the Indonesian government involving multi-parties as an effort to provide certainty that wood products and raw materials are obtained from sources whose origins and management fulfill legal aspects. With the certainty of legality, it is expected to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian timber products, reduce the illegal practice of illegal logging and trade. SVLK began in 2009, and is currently regulated in PermenLHK No. 30 of 2016 and Perdirjen No 14 of 2016.
In addition to efforts made domestically, to overcome the certainty of timber legality from Indonesia, the Indonesian Government has entered into various cooperation agreements with the main Indonesian export market countries, including the European Union, through FLEGT-VPA (Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade – Voluntary Partneship Agreement) . FLEGT is an EU policy on the problem of illegal logging and the illegal trade in forest products that occur globally. Indonesia has ratified FLEGT-VPA with Presidential Regulation 21 of 2014.
On April 21, 2016, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, European Commission President JeanClaude Juncker, and European Council President Donald Tusk delivered a joint statement that the European Union and Indonesia agreed to immediately take steps towards implementing the first FLEGT licensing scheme. Based on this, an estimate of the application of the FLEGT license can be carried out in December 2016.
If this happens, Indonesia is the first country in the world to get a FLEGT licensing scheme for all timber product exports to 28 countries in the European Union. SVLK credibility as a verification system for legal wood products will be highlighted by many parties in its implementation. In this case, the Independent Monitor plays an important role in ensuring the accountability and credibility of the SVLK.
JPIK, as a network of independent monitors who have been actively involved since the SVLK was in effect, felt that the number of independent monitors who actively played a role in monitoring or overseeing the implementation of the SVLK was still minimal. In addition, personnel who are able to provide training to the community or CSO in the area are also limited. Therefore, JPIK feels the need to increase the number of personnel who have the capacity as trainers in the SVLK and FLEGT licenses.
- Increasing participants’ understanding of SVLK, FLEGT License, and its development in Indonesia.
- Increasing the number of personnel capable of providing training on SVLK and monitoring.
The expected results from the implementation of this activity are the increasing number of personnel who have good capacity in providing training on SVLK and SVLK monitoring.
Time and place
Day / Date: Wednesday – Thursday, 22 – 23 June 2016
Hours: 09.00 WIB – Finish
Place: Aston Hotel, Bogor City
Training material includes two aspects, namely understanding of SVLK and FLEGT License, as well as aspects of skills related to conducting training. Strengthening certain topics in the two aspects will also be based on the needs of the participants as well as the form required by the participants.
Outline of training material includes:
Kisi-kisi materi pelatihan mencakup:
Topic | Discussion |
1. Timber Legality Verification System | SVLK Background SVLK Development Process Anatomy of SVLK (at a glance) Challenges for SVLK Implementation of the Latest SVLK Development (update of Minister of Forestry Regulation 30/2015 and Permendag 25/2016) |
2. FLEGT – VPA | Background and FLEGT-VPA FLEGT License Process CSO Role in FLEGT License |
3. SVLK Monitoring | Types, targets, monitoring methods Working standards, Security and Safety, Critical Points Monitoring Application of monitoring devices (independent monitoring guidelines and procedures / Perdirjen 14/2016) |
4. Training Management | Basic skills of trainers Tools and Materials Training Methods: Plenary discussions, Group discussions, Case Studies, Ice breaking Simulation submission of training results by participants |