The Independent Forestry Monitoring Network (JPIK) held an FGD meeting related to the Internalization and Socialisation of the Young People Take Care of the Forest Program of the Independent Forestry Monitoring Network Prov. South Sumatra took place in Palembang offline and online (18/12/2023). The meeting was attended by various related parties, including the JPIK National Executive, JPIK South Sumatra, as well as representatives from the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), Forestry Service, Students, Legal Aid Institute (LBH), Provincial Environmental Service (DLHP), media, South Sumatra Budget Centre (SBC) and the Indonesian Elephant Conservation Forum (FKGI).

During the meeting, Mr Rian Saputra, JPIK South Sumatra Regional Executive Director, said that JPIK has made efforts to monitor and supervise forest exploitation activities in various regions, including in the TNKS area.

Representatives from DLH South Sumatra explained that the reach and network of socialization on forestry and conservation issues is needed, especially in the context of FGDs, and must involve many parties so that outsiders will see and know about these issues.

Students from Sriwijaya University (Unsri) highlighted the important role of young people in TNKS protection efforts. They proposed programs that involve youth in collaborative conservation activities, such as animal inventory, technology utilization, and environmental education campaigns.

In addition, various parties such as LBH, the Provincial Environment Office, and the Indonesian Elephant Conservation Forum also provided input and suggestions regarding TNKS conservation efforts. They emphasized the importance of synergy between agencies and active community participation in preserving forests and wildlife.

This meeting is expected to be a momentum to strengthen collaboration between related parties in efforts to protect TNKS and preserve the environment more broadly. All parties agreed that concrete steps and strong synergy are needed to protect forests and wildlife in TNKS to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem and the environment.