JPIK has been instrumental in the process of changing P.38 / 2009 which has given birth to P.68 / 2011. Unfortunately both in P.38 / 2009 and P.68 / 2011, JPIK is still seen as “Stepchildren”, even though its role is very important for the credibility of the certification. However, the most important thing is that JPIK has struggled to promote the role of organized civil society and individuals which can directly convey OBJECTIVES (according to P.38) or COMPLAINTS (according to P.68).

Indonesia has committed to supporting Forest Governance in Indonesia, particularly in relation to eradicating illegal logging and the need for legal timber trade, especially at the international level, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Forestry Minister Decree Number P.68 / Menhut II / 2011 concerning the Timber Legality Verification System ( SVLK). This P.68 is a revised result of P.38 / Menhut-II / 2009. SVLK conducts assessment and verification which includes: (i) performance assessment and timber legality verification of IUPHHK holders based on SFM assessment standards (Sustainable Production Forest Management) that are intended for IUPHHK owners; and (ii) verification of timber legality for holders of IUPHHK, IPK and Advanced IUI as well as owners of Right Forests (Community Forests) based on the Timber Legality Verification Standard (SVLK). So far from 304 existing companies holding IUPHHK-HA / HT, there are already 19 (nineteen) concession companies that receive PHPL. And from the existing 4000 timber industries, there are already 150 (one hundred and fifty) timber industries receiving LK certificates (SVLK).

Referring to the regulation in P.68, there are several important elements in the SVLK. First is the Government of Indonesia represented by the Ministry of Forestry; The second element is the management unit of the holders of IUPHHK, IPK, IUIPHHK, and Advanced IUI and the owner of the Right Forest (Community Forest); Third is the certification accreditation institution, namely the National Accreditation Committee (KAN); then, the fourth element is, Independent Assessment and Verification Institution (LP & VI) which consists of: (i) Sustainable Forest Product Management (LP-PHPL), and, (ii) Timber Legality Verification Agency (LVLK); and the last element that is no less important is the Independent Monitor (LPI) whose institutional forms are civil society organizations or individual communities. In particular, the Independent Monitor (PI) functions to conduct monitoring in assessing the assessment process of sustainable production forest management by LPPHPL and verification of timber legality by LVLK. PI can submit a complaint to LPPHPL or LVLK for the results of the assessment or verification to obtain a settlement. Independent supervision is expected to ensure an honest process in the granting of certification. The process of providing honest certification will accelerate Indonesia’s commitment to manage forests sustainably.

In the context of SVLK monitoring, in September 2010, an Independent Forestry Monitoring Network (JPIK) was established in Indonesia, consisting of 29 civil society and indigenous peoples organizations from all the main islands in Indonesia covering 21 provinces, including Telapak / FWI and the network. JPIK has built an internal communication mechanism by appointing a dynamist at the national level based in Bogor and focal points spread across 21 provinces. At present there is sufficiently effective communication among JPIK members / elements related to certification activities in each province. To streamline network performance, JPIK has a code of conduct & working standard for monitoring accreditation, assessment processes and decisions and system reviews. Until now, 129 members of JPIK have been registered, consisting of 40 institutions and 89 individuals.

Telapak and FWI have also facilitated several JPIK members in regional representatives: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Maluku and Tanah Papua in carrying out forestry independent monitoring activities. The results of the implementation of these activities are the identification of several problems of misuse of procedures in the criteria / indicators for providing PHPL certificates and LK certificates (certificates of Timber Legality). This finding has been submitted to the auditors and KAN and is still awaiting follow-up from the settlement with the auditor’s institution. JPIK has been instrumental in the process of changing P.38 / 2009 which has given birth to P.68 / 2011. Unfortunately both in P.38 / 2009 and P.68 / 2011, JPIK is still seen as “Stepchildren”, even though its role is very important for the credibility of the certification. However, the most important thing is that JPIK has struggled to promote the role of organized civil society and individuals which can directly convey OBJECTIVES (according to P.38) or COMPLAINTS (according to P.68).

Telapak and FWI have also facilitated several JPIK members in regional representatives: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Maluku and Tanah Papua in carrying out forestry independent monitoring activities. The results of the implementation of these activities are the identification of several problems of misuse of procedures in the criteria / indicators for providing PHPL certificates and LK certificates (certificates of Timber Legality). This finding has been submitted to the auditors and KAN and is still awaiting follow-up from the settlement with the auditor’s institution. JPIK has been instrumental in the process of changing P.38 / 2009 which has given birth to P.68 / 2011. Unfortunately both in P.38 / 2009 and P.68 / 2011, JPIK is still seen as “Stepchildren”, even though its role is very important for the credibility of the certification. However, the most important thing is that JPIK has struggled to promote the role of organized civil society and individuals which can directly convey OBJECTIVES (according to P.38) or COMPLAINTS (according to P.68).

Telapak and the Partnership are also aware of the importance of adding more local / indigenous communities around the forest to independent forestry monitoring activities. Because it was realized that local / indigenous communities around the forest better understood the problems arising from forest exploitation and knowing how the timber concessions operate around them.

Based on these problems, the Forestry Independent Monitoring Network (JPIK) received support from the Partnership which would collaborate with the Telapak Association to support a series of CSO capacity building activities especially for local / indigenous communities around the forest in independent forestry monitoring training to implement an effective and efficient SVLK . This initial activity will take the form of a writing workshop to review the existing independent forestry monitoring training modules so that they are in accordance with the needs and conditions of local / indigenous communities around the forest. On this occasion, all JPIK Focalpoints from all over Indonesia along with Appraisers and Independent Verifiers and the Ministry of Forestry discussed the effectiveness of work in the context of implementing P.38 / 2009 jo P.68 / 2011.

Of course this forum is not only a review of the experience of P.38 / 2009, but also discusses the implementation of P.68 / 2011. Until today, the JPIK meeting which also presents all stakeholders of PHPL and SVLK continues to discuss the importance of implementing forestry certification. Hopefully this rule is not difficult to implement. Certainly the forest management indigenous people also need to play an active role in these monitoring processes.

In this meeting there was also a space where all stakeholders shared experiences both by Appraisal and Verification Institutions, as well as JPIK. It turns out that there are many things that need to be addressed in implementing the rules on SVLK and PHPL. From the government, the Ministry of Forestry also shared experiences. It was admitted that it turned out that it was not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. So, this meeting forum can be a “CURHAT” (outpouring of) space with all stakeholders. Hopefully this CURHAT raises the way out so as not to burden each other

Pietsau Amafnini, JASOIL Coordinator for Tanah Papua / JPIK Focalpoint West Papua Region.