Jakarta, February 28, 2018. The Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) encourages the government to continue to improve regulations and implement the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK). Today JPIK issued a second report ‘SVLK: Process Towards Responsible Governance’ which contains a study of the implementation of SVLK in the period 2014-2017, within the scope of regulations, independent monitoring, support and performance of stakeholders on the implementation of the SVLK.

In the period of 2014 to 2017, JPIK still found several weaknesses in the implementation of the SVLK, especially in the aspects of supervision and law enforcement. In addition, independent monitoring by civil society still has to be continuously promoted, through ensuring the continuity of monitoring and availability of data and information. This is stated in the SVLK regulations and the voluntary cooperation agreement between the Governments of Indonesia and the European Union through the FLEGT-VPA agreement.

Muhamad Kosar, JPIK National Dynamics Coordinator stated, “The development, achievement and implementation of SVLK as an effort to reform forest governance should be appreciated. Even though it’s not perfect, this system has forced various parties to make improvements. “

The results of JPIK’s monitoring of 54 license holders who have SVLK certificates still find IUPHHK-HA and IUPHHK-HT, which have problems related to boundary conflict and low recognition of the basic rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, as well as weak forest protection efforts. While the owners of industrial licenses, there are still problems with ownership and suitability of permits, implementation of Occupational Safety and Health (K3), and unclear sources of fulfillment of raw materials for the industry.

“The assessment / audit by the Certification Body still makes the existence of the document a reference for permit holders in obtaining SVLK certificates. The process of issuing licenses laden with corruption, the entry of illegal timber into the supply chain, and efforts to resolve conflicts that are not comprehensive should be the main focus in carrying out assessments, “said Kosar.

Dhio Teguh Ferdyan, JPIK Campaigner said, “SVLK assessment must show an improved trend in performance changes. Assessment results that are of moderate or bad quality should change to either in the surveillance period or re-certification. Holders of IUPHHK-HA and IUPHHK-HT permits that previously had a Timber Legality Certificate (S-LK) should be in line with making efforts to improve by obtaining a Sustainable Production Forest Management Certificate (S-PHPL). “

Improvements in transparency in the implementation of the SVLK must also be improved, where the entire process of implementing the SVLK includes the provision of data and information for monitoring, the process of handling reports, and their actions that must be open and publicly accessible.

“Although it has been regulated regarding the rights and obligations of independent monitoring in the SVLK regulations, Independent Monitors still experience limitations in accessing data and information for monitoring purposes, especially data and information that is under the authority of the Regional Government,” concluded Dhio.

JPIK highlighted the lack of law enforcement and the application of sanctions for violating permit holders to injure the SVLK. Strict sanctions for revoking certificates for permit holders who have poor performance and refuse surveillance must be followed up by revoking business licenses. On the other hand, efforts to increase timber administration to minimize the mixing of illegal timber into the SVLK supply chain and coordination between institutions at the central and regional levels must be strengthened.

As a system, the SVLK must place social / conflict aspects, the process of obtaining permits (licensing corruption), and forest fires as the main indicators of passing the assessment. In addition, the synergy of efforts to prevent and enforce the law with applicable laws and regulations must continue to be carried out so that SVLK truly becomes a credible and accountable instrument for reforming good governance.

JPIK book reports can be downloaded at the following link:


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