Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, recorded until 2 April 2020 data at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia shows that COVID-19 confirmed cases nationally are 1,677 positive cases, 1,417 treated, 103 cured and 157 dead.
There is many factors affect the rapid spread of this epidemic, one of them is the lack of complete information about COVID-19.
Even so with the service information for handling (actions) that are still widely unknown to the public.
There are still many problems encountered by the Central Government, Local Government, Health and Public Services
The confusion of information flow and the lack of integration of information has caused the community to become more confused in dealing with this problem. There are at least a few problems:
- The openness and recording of data or information in handling new Corona virus outbreaks in Indonesia is not good. In fact, its existence is important for the application of epidemiology, so that its dissemination process can be effectively suppressed. Data is an important instrument in tracking the spread of disease. At least information about the patient’s history for the surveillance officer, is useful for tracking potentially infected people and places that have been visited by people who have been positive. Other information that should be easily accessible to the public such as hospital readiness data, number of beds, isolation rooms, number of test equipment, the number of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical personnel, to the availability of medical personnel who play a vital role in dealing with pandemic corona.
- Programs and activities that absorb huge budgets for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the government has not provided complete information. Additional Funds for the 2020 National Budget worth IDR405.1 trillion for the health sector amounting to IDR75 trillion, social protection IDR 110 trillion, tax incentives and KUR stimulus IDR70.1 trillion and IDR150 trillion for the sector. Including the budget spent throughout the Provincial and Regency / City Governments sourced from the reallocation of the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and Revenue Sharing (DBH) which must be transparent.
It is important that the public be aware of any programs and activities for its handling and disruption, and that the public may participate in its oversight.
When the public gets important information, it will encourage the public to play an active role in prevention and treatment. The hope is that there will be collaboration between the government and civil society in dealing with this outbreak.
Therefore, the Civil Society Coalition for Open Government Partnerships in Indonesia, to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia, we ask the Government:
- The government must be more transparent about information related to the handling of the corona virus. Information about which areas and places are affected or exposed, COVID-19 patient activity history while maintaining the confidentiality of the patient’s identity. The government must also open data on hospital readiness, number of beds, isolation rooms, number of test equipment, the number of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for available medical personnel, to the availability of medical personnel who play a vital role in dealing with pandemic corona. So that all parties can play a role in actively participating in prevention.
- The government must be more transparent towards programs and activities related to the impact of the corona virus. The government must disclose as much information as possible to the 2020 National Budget Additional Funds worth Rp. 405.1 trillion periodically.
- The government must build a more integrated information openness mechanism between ministries / technical institutions and prepare a field team that is fast and responsive to the prevention and handling of co-19 and not confusing the public.
- The Ministry of Home Affairs must order the Governor, Regents and Mayors to announce periodically how much budget for COVID-19 is prepared, a list of needs to support the health system and social economic protection and the realization of its expenditure.
- The government must provide the widest possible space for the public to collaborate in maximizing their respective roles in accelerating the prevention and handling of COVID-19.
Indonesia, 3rd April 2020
ACEH: Gerak Aceh, Koalisi NGO HAM Aceh NORTH OF SUMATERA: FITRA Sumut, PUSAKO Padang, RIAU: FITRA Riau, LAMPUNG: ECOTON, YKWS, BANTEN: TRUTH Banten, PATTIRO BANTEN, PATTIRO Serang, Banten Bersih, KOMPAK Lebak, WEST JAVA: Perkumpulan INISIATIF Bandung, CRPG, Fahmina Institute, Garut Government Watch (GGW) AKATIGA, BTRUST, LBH Bandung, CENTRAL OF JAVA: PATTIRO Semarang, KP2KKN, LBH Semarang, Gebrak Brebes, INSAN Wonosobo, MP3 Wonosobo, Formasi (Kebumen), Laskar Batang, PATTIRO KENDAL, DI YOGYAKARTA: INFEST, IDEA, LKIS, SIGAB, EAST JAVA: FITRA Jatim, WALHI Jatim, Komunitas Averroes, IDFOS, Migran Care Jember, Bojonegoro Institute, Malang corruption Watch (MCW), WEST OF SUMATERA: Integritas, WEST OF KALIMANTAN: Gemawan (Kalbar), Link-AR Borneo (Kalbar), EASTKALIMANTAN : POKJA 30, JATAM Kaltim, CENTRAL OF KALIMANTAN: AMAN, KH2 Institute, SOUTH SULAWESI SELATAN: YASMIB, KOPEL Makasar, Puspa Indonesia, NORTH OF MALUKU: FORMAMA, PUSPAHAM, ARIKA MAHINA, SOUTHEAST OF SULAWESI: ALPEN, Pusdaya, EAST OFNUSA TENGGARA: PIAR Kupang, WALHI NTT, Bengkel APEK, WEST OFNUSA TENGGARA: SOMASI, FITRA NTB, SOLUD, Konsepsi, BALI: SLOKA Institute, LBH Bali, PAPUA dan WEST PAPUA : KIPRA, PTPPMA, Perdu, Mnukwar, Jakarta Capitol Region: PATTIRO, YAPPIKA-Action Aid, IPC, ICW, MAPPI FHUI, PERLUDEM, ICEL, PWYP Indonesia, FITRA, IBC, KPPOD, Epistema Institute, Lembaga Kajian dan Advokasi untuk Independensi Peradilan (LeIP), AJI Jakarta, Transparency International Indonesia (TII), YLBHI, LBH Jakarta, WALHI Pusat, ELSAM, Wahana Visi Indonesia, Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia (LEI), rakarsa,KOPEL, Migran Care, Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia, Intitute Kapal Perempuan,
Wahid Institute, ICJ, PSHK, ILAB, P3M, INFID, AJI Indonesia, JATAM, SBMI, KODE Inisiatif, JPPR, JPIK, Article 33, Sawit Watch, CENTRAL OF SULAWESI: Komunitas Perempuan dan Anak (KPPA Sulteng), Lingkar Belajar Untuk Perempuan (Libu Sulteng).
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