Press conference

Bogor, December 11, 2012. Monitoring conducted by Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) and the Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) in four locations, still found weaknesses from the assessment process carried out by the Independent Assessment and Verification Institution (LP & VI).

Assessment of the performance of forest management units by LP & VI must have independence and be carried out comprehensively in accordance with the facts on the ground so as to encourage improvement in forestry governance in Indonesia.

The multi-party meeting held by FWI and JPIK on December 11, 2012 and attended by Civil Society Organizations, Certification Bodies, as well as from the Ministry of Forestry, presented findings from monitoring activities on SVLK implementation. Monitoring focused on 3 (three) Forest management units and one timber industry located in the provinces of South Sumatra, East Kalimantan, West Papua and East Java.

“Even though we have received the graduation predicate, but the results of post-certification monitoring, we still find that there are unresolved issues,” said Alfiberton Nababan, Forest Watch Indonesia, JPIK Secretariat. “Licensing of inactive management unit businesses, social conflicts and tenure with the community, as well as destructive logging activities, are facts in the field that we have found,” Alfiberton continued.

Alfiberton also emphasized that, “Acceptance of independent monitors is still doubtful, and this can be seen when searching for data and information that is often rejected by the Forest Service in the regions”. “Although on the one hand we already have a law on Public Information Openness,” he said.

“Of course we hope that the assessment conducted by LP & VI must have independence”, said Pietsau Amafnini from Jasoil Foundation, JPIK West Papua Focal Point. “It is very strange if a forest management unit gets a PHPL certificate, but the company is not actively operating in the last few years,” added Pietsau Amafnini. The issue of social conflict, damage to forest ecosystems, was also found by JPIK Focal Points in East Kalimantan and East Java from the results of their monitoring.

SVLK has been developed since 2003 through a multi-party process. This system is mandatory for all wood and wood products from natural forests, plantations, community forests or community. The SVLK was developed with the aim of ensuring that wood and wood products can be verified to ensure that wood products produced are only from legal or sustainable sources.

“The role of LP & VI in implementing the SVLK is an important factor, the impartiality and thoroughness of LP & VI in conducting assessments is the key. “All parties, both the Government, KAN, LP & VI, Independent Monitor must work together to maintain the credibility of the SVLK implementation,” said Abu Meridian, JPIK National Dynamics.

Abu Meridian further said, “We hope that a multistakeholder meeting should continue”. Because with this openness process to accept input and criticism from the parties, it can happen. “Of course we hope that the agreements that have been formulated at the meeting, must be escorted and acted upon, to keep the SLVK implementation running well”.

For further information, please contact:

Abu Meridian, JPIK National Dynamics
Phone: +62 857 157 667 32
E-mail: abu.meridian@gmail.com

Alfiberton Nababan, JPIK National Secretariat, Forest Watch Indonesia
Phone: +62 811 923 095
E-mail: afton@fwi.or.id

Pietsau Amafnini, JPIK West Papua Focal Point, Jasoil Manokwari Foundation
Phone: +62 813 444 350 08
E-mail: menawi2001@yahoo.com


  • The Timber Legality Verification Standard (SVLK) is a requirement to fulfill the timber legality / product made based on the agreement of forestry stakeholders which includes standards, criteria, indicators, verifiers, verification methods, and assessment norms.
  • The Sustainable Production Forest Management Performance Assessment System is a series of PHPL performance appraisal processes and Timber Legality Verification for timber concession holders that contain standards, criteria, verifiers, verification methods, and assessment norms.
  • JPIK is an Independent Forest Monitoring Network that was agreed and declared on 23 September 2010 by 29 NGOs and NGO Networks from Aceh to Papua. The establishment of JPIK is a manifestation of commitment to contribute actively in promoting good forestry governance by ensuring credibility and accountability of the implementation of the system for Assessing the Performance of Sustainable Production Forest Management (PK-PHPL) and Timber Legality Verification (VLK). JPIK until the end of October 2012 consisted of 41 institutions and 259 individuals. JPIK has the role of monitoring the implementation of SVLK, from the accreditation process, assessment / verification of business actors, to the process of implementing exports.
  • Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) is an independent forest monitoring network consisting of individuals and organizations that are committed to realizing an open process of forestry data and information management in Indonesia so as to ensure equitable and sustainable forest resource management. This organization is based in Bogor. More information about this organization can be found on the website www.fwi.or.id