In the 2015-2017, JPIK has monitored the companies that received the Timber Legality Certificate (S-LK). Monitoring is carried out by members and JPIK Focal Points in several provinces, which are the provinces of South Sulawesi, Central Kalimantan, East Java, North Maluku, Central Java, Yogyakarta, Jambi, Central Sulawesi and North Kalimantan.
In conducting its monitoring, JPIK is governed by a working standard that contains monitoring objectives, mechanisms and protocols. The rules which are internal network consensus are intended to maintain the aspects of validity and accountability of each monitoring, including the security and safety aspects of the implementation of monitoring.
In addition, JPIK uses a monitoring method to determine the targets to be monitored. JPIK realizes that not all accreditation processes and certification processes can be monitored. Availability of budgets, distribution of monitoring personnel, and affordability of monitoring locations and availability of data & supporting information are some of the limiting factors in monitoring.
From the results of JPIK’s monitoring, it has been found that there are indications of non-compliance with the timber legality assessment and verification standards. For information related to JPIK monitoring of companies obtaining timber legality certificates, can be downloaded on the link : “SVLK: Proses Tata Kelola Bertanggung Gugat”