At the end of 2018, the Forest Independent Monitoring Network (JPIK)
held a “National Seminar; Implementation of 2 FLEGT License Years “which
held on 13 December. One of the goal is the exchange information on the development of the FLEGT License implementation of that has been in place for two years, running mainly evaluation and monitoring, and discuss important issues related to the implementation of the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK), as well as effectiveness law enforcement.

JPIK presents several speakers, which are the Directorate General of Sustainable Production Forest Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Directorate General of PHPL KLHK) delivered about the development of SVLK, then Dinamisator JPIK, Muhamad Kosar delivered the results of monitoring and JPIK reports for the 2014-2018 period.
In addition, the prosecution of cases of illegal logging and illegal timber trade were delivered by the Directorate General of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Dirjen Gakkum KLHK) and Head of Sub Directorate III, Directorate of Other-type of Crime, Criminal Investigation Agency of the Indonesian National Police.

Supervision and Law Enforcement and Transparency Must Be Increased

Responding to the implementation of the FLEGT license that has been running for 2 years, supervision and law enforcement must be improved. In the JPIK findings stated in the position paper found most of the concession holders of the Certificate Timber Legality (S-LK) there is
obscurity problem in boundary arrangements, including unclear manufacturing mechanisms boundary / regional boundary reconstruction in a participatory manner and conflict resolution regional boundaries. The problem is either directly or indirectly resulting conflicts and social problems at the level of local / indigenous communities.

On the other hand, supervision of the Registered Shelter – Logwood (TPT-KB) and Registered Shelter – Processed wood (TPT-KO) must be strengthened, because of this timber shelter indicated that it was misused for washing wood from sources the legality is questionable. Implementation of information disclosure must also be attention, especially for KLHK which has issued PermenLHK No.18 Year 2018 about public information services.