Medan, 18th November 2021. Deforestation in Indonesia is largely the result of a corrupt political and economic system, which regards Natural Resources, particularly forests, as a source of income that can be exploited for political gain and corporate gain.

In North Sumatra, there is a PT. TPL company has been practicing deforestation for decades, which has given rise to various kinds of polemics, one of which is the practice of large-scale land-use experts in the Tele landscape area. Tele-scape has a very important ecological function for the Lake Toba area. The last forest area that must be saved from the threat of PT. TPL, it is clear because the Tele forest area is the remaining natural forest in the Lake Toba area. Bentang Tele is facing a threat from the existence of PT.TPL’s concession area of 68,000 Ha. The Tele landscape forest area has a livelihood function for dozens of villages in the Tele forest area.

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