Regulations regarding SVLK have undergone several improvements since the Minister of Forestry Decree No. P.38 / 2009 was issued for the first time.
Current regulations related to the implementation of SVLK are PermenLHK No. P.30 / MenLHK / Setjen / PHPL.3 / 3/2016 stipulated on March 1, 2016. The regulation replaces Permenhut 43/2014 juncto (jo) PermenLHK 95/2014. The rules for technical implementation of the regulation are Perdirjen PHPL P.14 / 2016 jo P.15 / 2016 concerning Standards and Guidelines for implementing performance assessments for Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL) and Timber Legality Verification (VLK). The Perdirjen was also accompanied by Circular of the Director General of SFM No. SE.14/2014 concerning the obligation to implement the SVLK. Meanwhile, for the import of forestry products, the implementing regulation of Permendag 78/2014 is Perdirjen PHPL P.7 / 2015 concerning procedures for the implementation of due diligence, issuance of import declarations, and recommendations on imports of forestry products.
Regarding timber administration (TUK) or administration of forest products (PUHH) referred to in SVLK implementation, the current rules that apply are PermenLHK P.43 / MenLHKSetjen / 2015 jo P.60 / MenLHK / Setjen / Kum.1 / 2016 concerning Administration of Results Timber Forests originating from Natural Forests (stipulated on 12 July 2016) and P.42 / MenLHKSetjen / 2015 jo P.58 / MenLHK / Setjen / Kum.1 / 7/2016 concerning Administration of Timber Forest Products originating from Plantation Forests in Forests Production (set on 12 July 2016) for administration of timber in state forests. The reference rules for administering forest products originating from private forests are PermenLHK P.85 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.1 / 11/2016 concerning Transportation of Cultivated Timber Forest Products originating from Private Forests (stipulated on November 4, 2016). Rules related to the implementation of other SVLK are PermenLHK P.46 / Menlhk-Setjen / 2015 concerning Post Audit Guidelines for holders of business licenses for utilization of timber forest products and timber utilization permits (stipulated on 12 August 2015).